Services provided: Face Painting, Custom Canvas Art Paint Parties, Glitter Tattoos, Metallic Tattoos, Balloon Art, Play Dough Kits, Slime kits, Custom Canvas Bags, Create Your Own Plushie, Nail Parties, and/or a Caricature Artist (Combination services offered)
Face Paint- We charge by the hour. Within that hour we can paint about 8-10 faces depending on the design. Menu provided & requests taken.
Custom Canvas Art Paint Parties- Paint parties for your guests. I provide easels, canvases, paint and brushes.
Glitter Tattoos- Last 3-5 days and can be removed with alcohol.
Balloon Art- We charge by the hour. Within that hour we can provide a balloon for 8-10 people depending on the design.
Caricature Artist- 8-10 guests can be provided with a cartoon portrait.
In the Greater Sacramento area, I offer our NEWEST PARTY PACKAGE which includes:
1 toddler bounce house
6 white rectangular tables
48 white chairs
6 ivory cloth table covers with 6 sheer gold runners
6 mixed floral centerpieces
Set up included!
We now offer catering. Call today for a quote!
Deposit and contracts are required in order to book your event and time. I accept deposits through PayPal, Zelle, CashApp and/or Venmo. We serve multiple counties, specifically Orange County, Inland Empire, Los Angeles, Sutter and Sacramento (within 45 miles in proximity).
I use professional FDA approved, nontoxic, hypoallergenic face paint. I am insured and live scan certified.
In case I may be unavailable, we also have freelance artists that can attend upon availability and represent All That Glitters Paint.